PRW 23-24 PRW Sportsman and PQ Series Steel Harmonic Dampers (SFI-Rated 18.1) User Manual
PRW For the car

PRW Industries, Inc.
1722 Illinois Avenue
Perris, California 92571
Tele: (951) 436-7900
Tech: (888) 377-9779
Installation Instructions For PRW Sportsman
& SFI Steel Dampers
Vibration Damper
1 each
SFI 18.1 Certification Sticker (Steel Dampers only)
1 each
Tools and Procedures
1. A proper installation tool is required. The use of a hammer not recommended. See PRW damper
installation/removal tool part # 1200100.
2. Make sure the SFI serial # is engraved on the damper.
3. Check the bore of the damper to insure there is no paint residue; if necessary, clean the area with a very
fine abrasive paper.
4. A press fit of 0.0005” to 0.0015” is required for proper fit of the damper onto the crankshaft. Using a
micrometer, measure the crank snout and the inside diameter of the damper hub to ensure they are
compatible. Snout measurements on aftermarket and reconditioned crankshafts often vary significantly
from OEM specifications. Please consult your local engine builder if you encounter this problem.
Balancing and Installation
Make certain the engine is cold.
Step 2
Line up the TDC mark on the damper with the timing tab before removal. Then, pull the original damper
from the crank snout using your damper removal tool. If marks don’t line up after the new damper is
installed, you will need to get an aftermarket bolt-on timing tab.
Step 3
Check the end of the crank to ensure the crank has a tapped hole and that the threads are clean and
undamaged. If damper bolt does not thread easily into the crank, run a tap into threads to clean them up.
Step 4
Examine the key. If it is damaged or loose in the keyway, replace it. Make sure the key does not sit too
high in crank.
Step 5
Replace the oil seal in the front timing cover. This is optional but highly recommended.
Step 6
All PRW neutral balanced dampers are manufactured to factory specs. However, it is highly recommend
that you have your engine builder or balance shop check your new damper against the part it is replacing.
There may be weight discrepancies between the two. If balancing holes must be drilled, make sure the
new holes do not exceed a diameter of 3/8” and/or depth of ¼”. Any drilling should be done in the hub