PRW 01 PRW Dual Gear Drives User Manual
PRW For the car

PRW Industries, Inc.
1722 Illinois Avenue
Perris, California 92571
Tele: (951) 436-7900
Tech: (888) 377-9779
PRW Dual Gear Drives
Installation Instructions
Crank gear
1 each
Dual idler gear
1 each
Cam gear
1 each
Bronze ring
1 each
5 degree bushings (except Ford)
(varies by model)
Cam button
1 each
Cam locking plate
1 each
Cam bolts
3 each
Permanent threadlocker, Red
1 2ml bullet
Step 1
Clean all components of any preserves or deposits.
Step 2
Remove the timing cover.
Step 3
Hand turn crank to top dead center of cylinder #1. This should line up the timing marks of the cam and crank gears or
sprockets. The timing mark on the cam gear should be at 6 o’clock and the crank mark should be at 12 o’clock.
Step 4
Remove the old timing set.
Step 5
Clean from the mounting surface of the block any deposits left over from the gasket. Do the same for the timing cover.
Step 6
Using a small dab of grease, install the bronze ring onto the back of the cam gear.
Step 7
With the # 1 cylinder still at top dead center install both the cam and crank gears. The chamfered side of the crank gear
faces the crank.
Step 8
For GM and Mopar install desired off set bushing on the cam dowel pin. If the cam is not being degreed inset the 0°
bushing (bushing with hole right in the middle). Ford cam gears do not require offset bushings. Line up your desired
timing as it is marked on the cam gear. Part #’s 0130201, 0130202, 0135102 are marked with advanced (A), retarded (R),
& standard (0), part # 0146001 is marked with
+4, +8, & 0.