New machine pre-operation inspection – PermaGreen Triumph Spread-Only User Manual

Page 7

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 Pull the Rear Brake Lever. Both rear wheels should drag

equally without causing a change of course, left or right.

 Accelerate again and carefully pull the Front Brake Lever.

When applied, the front brakes shall not lock up.

 Stop. Repeat the acceleration and brake tests in HIGH

GEAR. Top speed shall not exceed 5 MPH.

 At top speed, the Rear Brakes alone shall bring the machine

to a smooth stop within 8 FEET.

 The Front Brakes alone shall do the same.
 Appling both Front and Rear Brakes together should stop

the machine in less than the length of the machine.

 Shift into REVERSE GEAR. The machine should back up

under power.

 Spray System Inspection (see PAGE 25 for locations)

 Fill the tanks with water. Open the Suction valve and the Fill

Valve. Place a collection bucket under the Fill Valve. Start

the engine and run it at high speed until the Spray System is

primed. Close the Fill Valve. NOTE: To prevent freeze

damage, the Spray System has been tested using a

diluted RV antifreeze/water solution, and then drained.

Many local regulations permit small quantities of RV

antifreeze to be disposed of in the sanitary sewer system.

Check your local regulatory agency for proper disposal.

 Check for and repair any leaks.
 With the collection bucket in place, spray through each

nozzle individually to purge the lines of RV antifreeze/water


 Adjust the position of each nozzle. Refer to Spray System


 Spreader System Inspection (see PAGE 21 for locations)

 Operate the Hopper Lever to completely open and close the

hopper holes. Vibration shall not cause the Hopper Lever to


 The Rate Control Knob is in place.
 Operate the Third Hold Lever to close or reveal the Third

Hole in the hopper.

 Operate the Deflector Lever. Neither bouncing nor vibration

should cause the Deflector to change position.

 Fully Loaded Brake Inspection.

 Place planking on top of the Screen in the Hopper to protect

the agitator and the screen.

 Put 150 POUNDS of weight into the Hopper.
 With the tanks filled, repeat the braking tests stated above in

the Drive and Brake System Inspection.

 Drop the handlebar and walk up a 17 DEGREE incline, stop

the machine and apply and lock both Front and Rear

Brakes. The brakes shall prevent the machine from moving.

 Repeat the test heading down the incline.

 Steering System Inspection

 With the machine fully loaded, drive through a series of lock

to lock figure eights for 5 minutes. The steering effort to

come out of the tightest turn shall be less than 30 Pounds of


 The Steering brakes bands shall not overheat.

 Delivery Instructions for Dealers and/or purchasers

 Review the Operator’s Manual, Safety information,

operating instructions, and controls with the purchaser.

 Purchasers shall be made comfortable with the proper

operation of the Triumph prior to using the machine.

 The Triumph Warranty Registration Form shall be

completed, signed and dated by the purchasing Dealer and

Inspector, and faxed or mailed to PermaGreen within 14

DAYS. PermaGreen, 5609 Murvihill Rd, Valparaiso IN

46383 or (fax) 219-476-7113.

 NOTE: The limited Warranty is not valid unless a

completed Triumph Warranty Registration Form is

received by PermaGreen with 30 DAYS of purchase.

 Dealer Delivery Instructions and Obligations
1) Complete the New Machine Pre-Operation Inspection.
2) Complete and return to PermaGreen the Warranty

Registration Card within 10 DAYS.

NOTE: If Dealer is unable to complete the Inspection or

Warranty Registration Card, Dealer shall notify the

customer of their obligation to do so.

3) Dealer shall provide the purchaser:

A) Verbal instructions of their obligation to read the Triumph

Operator’s Manual and the Safety Instructions contained

therein, as well as, to conduct the New Machine Pre-

Operation inspector if not performed by the Dealer.
B) The Triumph Operations Manual with the serial number

that matches the Triumph being delivered.
C) The Triumph Warranty Registration Card with the serial

numbers that matches the Triumph being delivered.
D) Engine Operation Manual
E) Squeeze and Spray spot sprayer.
F) Hopper cover
G) Calibration Gauge set
H) Approved Gas Can & 6” extension for Gas Can.
I) Sample packet of STA-BIL


fuel additive.

J) Spray Shield
K) Hopper Screen

New Machine Pre-Operation Inspection


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