Spreader operation 24 – PermaGreen Triumph Spread-Only User Manual
Page 28

making the following calculations.
With the machine traveling in HIGH GEAR at full
throttle, use a stopwatch or wristwatch to measure AND
RECORD the time required to travel the 143-FOOT
(44 meter) turf course. The normal time is approximately
20 seconds ± 1 seconds.
With the machine operating in LOW GEAR at full
throttle, RECORD THE TIME required to cover the 143-
FOOT (44 meter) turf course. The normal time is
approximately 28 SECONDS ± 1 SECOND.
Measure and adjust the output of the spreader to deliver 3
POUNDS (1.36 Kg.) per 1,000 ft
(93 m
Place a ground cloth on a paved area.
Place enough product in the Hopper to conduct several
delivery rate checks.
Drape a drop cloth over the Hopper to contain and deposit
the product spread onto the Ground cloth.
With the machine in NEUTRAL, accelerate the engine to full
speed and open the Hopper for the actual time you
recorded for the HIGH GEAR time test above (from our
example we will use 20 SECONDS).
Move machine off Ground cloth and weigh the product
If the product collected weighs less that 3 POUNDS (1.36
Kg), reposition the Rate Adjustment Knob to a higher setting
on the Rate Scale to increase the opening in the Hopper.
Repeat the collection test and readjust as required.
Once the proper rate has been established RECORD the
Rate Adjustment Knob and Calibration Gage settings for
future use.
Repeat the procedure for the LOW GEAR time (for our
example we will use 28 SECONDS).
Spreader Operation