Driver’s training and operation 17 – PermaGreen Triumph Spread-Only User Manual

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Driver’s Training and Operation


PHASE VI: Driving over curbs.
 Never attempt to jump a curb at high speed as this may cause

a forward tip-over. Instead:

 Approach the curb or parking block straight on;
 Stop the machine 12 INCHES away from the curb;
 Dismount and drop handles;
 Shift into LOW GEAR;
 Gradually accelerate up and over curb.

 If machine is unable to climb over a curb:

 Look for a lower section of curb;
 If one is not available, approach the curb on an angle and

attempt to climb over one wheel at a time;

 Use ramps to get over the curb. IMPORTANT: Avoid high

curbs and bottoming out as this can cause machine damage

that is not covered by the Warranty .

PHASE II: Driving the machine in High Gear.
Repeat Phase I training using HIGH GEAR.

PHASE III: Driving with a load.

Repeat LOW and HIGH GEAR Training outlined in Phase I

and Phase II with a partially filled Hopper and Tanks


Gradually increase the weight as the trainee demonstrates his

ability to control the machine with the increased weight.

Phase VII: Backing Up.

To back up:
 Stop, shift into Reverse, look behind to make sure the path is

clear, and keeping both feet on the operator’s platform and a

firm 2 handed grip on the handles gradually pull the Throttle/

Clutch Lever.

To turn right:
 Pull the right Handle toward you and push the left handle away

from you.

To turn left:
 Reverse the procedure.
To stop backing up:
 Release Throttle/Clutch Lever and pull one or both Brake Levers

to stop.

Read Safety Manual WARNING 13, Reverse operation now

Phase VIII: Completing Daily Service Checklist.

Adjust, Repair, replace, and report any irregularities discovered to

your supervisor.

 Clean machine in a designated area. IMPORTANT: DO

NOT power wash machine. High pressure water will

force corrosive fertilizer residue into bearings, linkages, and

other parts. Corrosion damage is not covered by the War-

ranty. Instead use low pressure air regulated to 29 PSI (200

Kilopascals). Once a week, or as necessary, use low pres-

sure water regulated to 29 PSI (200 Kilopascals) to wash

machine. Start and run machine and blow dry to remove any


 Empty Hopper. NOTE: Use a dedicated pail or wet /dry

vacuum to remove fertilizer so that it can be recycled.


 Spinner Platter.
 Footpads.
 Nozzles and Nozzle Strainers, If necessary.
 Hopper opening plate, Third-Hole Slide plate and linkage.
 Engine cooling fins, Blower housing inlet (Starter), carbure-

tor, governor linkage, Honda Throttle Lever, Throttle Lever

and cable.

 Lubricate and protect the following, using WD-40 or equivalent:

 Operating controls and cables.
 Hopper Opening Plate and Third-Hole Plate.
 Carburetor and all linkages and springs.
 Exposed aluminum.

 Check and record Engine Idle Speed (MUST NOT EXCEED

1650 RPM).

 Check and record Engine Top Speed (MUST BE 3,450 RPM).
 Gauge, record, and adjust Hopper control settings as neces-

sary, including:

 Third-hole Adjustment Plate.
 Third-hole Lever Memory-Lock.
 Hopper opening.
 Rate Adjustment Knob

 Check and adjust the Spray Nozzle alignment as necessary.
 Check and top off engine oil.
 Check and top off clutch oil.
 Check for loose or missing fasteners or parts, cracks in metal or


 Check that all SAFETY DEVICES are in place and in good

working order.

Read Safety Manual WARNING 19, Maintenance and Service

now BEFORE starting or operating machine.

Phase IV: Operating the machine as a walk-behind unit.

Stop, shift into LOW GEAR or REVERSE GEAR, drop handlebars,

and keeping a firm grip on both handles and while operating the

machine as a walk behind unit, perform the training procedures

outlined in Phases I through IV.

Read Safety Manual WARNING 11, Avoiding slipping and

tripping injury now

PHASE V: Driving the machine on hillsides.

Initial hillside training should take place on a slightly hilly open area

free from obstructions with the machine in LOW GEAR and the

Hopper and Tanks empty.
 The Trainee must be familiar with the BALANCE ZONE

principles and Driving Techniques before operating on slopes.

 The Trainee must pass the Phases I, II and IV and be totally

familiar with all the WARNINGS and the hillside driving

techniques and principles set forth in the Driver’s Training and

Operating Manual before operating the machine on a slope or

incline. Trainee must never ride the Triumph on any slopes or

inclines greater than 15 DEGREES.

 As the Trainee is able to demonstrate his ability to control the

machine on hills as well as his understanding of hillside driving

principles and proper techniques; gradually increase the slope.

 As the Trainee progresses, gradually add weight to the Hopper

and Tanks.

Read Machine Safety Label WARNINGS: C, To avoid Tip-

over, rollover, or loss-of-control T, DO NOT operate on

slopes over 15 DEGREES; and P, Tip-over, rollover, or loss-of-

control may cause death or serious injury before operating the

Triumph on an incline or slope.

Read Safety Manual WARNING 15, To avoid loss-of-control,

tip-over, and rollover before operating the Triumph on an

inclined or slope.

This manual is related to the following products: