Proximate interface, Preface (continued) – Parr Instrument 6750 User Manual
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Proximate Interface
P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y
Preface (Continued)
The 6750 Proximate Interface does not require
a special oven, furnace or analytical balance. All
drying and ashing operations are performed in the
same oven and furnace normally used for standard
ASTM proximate analyses. The 6750 Proximate
Interface is designed to communicate with a Mettler,
Sartorius, Ohaus or most digital analytical balances
for automatic data entry. Sample weights can also
be entered manually using the touch screen key-
board on the console.
Existing laboratory procedures do not have to
be changed. Samples can be weighed and treated in
any order, with the 6750 Proximate Interface accept-
ing data from a digital balance as generated, orga-
nizing and storing it in the correct order, under oper-
ator assigned sample IDs. The operator can override
the automatic data entry system at any time to enter
weights as percentage values, manually if neces-
sary. Weights used to determine air-dry loss (ADL)
or total moisture can be entered manually, or the
ADL or total moisture value can be calculated and
entered separately as a percent.
Usually the 6750 Proximate Interface will be
installed adjacent to an electronic analytical balance
and connected to the Interface with a serial commu-
nications cable. After each weighing, the entry will
be shown on a LCD display of the 6750 Proximate
Interface for confi rmation before it is entered into
memory. The operator will then use the touch screen
keyboard to identify each entry test (moisture, ash,
volatile matter, Btu or air dry loss) or function (tare,
gross or fi nal weight) to which the data applies.
The 6750 Proximate Interface will also prompt the
operator to identify each entry with a valid sample
ID. Several selectable options are available to speed
data entry procedures by allowing the operator to
enter consecutive tare and gross weights automati-
cally with a minimum number of keystrokes. Data
for up to 1000 samples can be entered before results
must be withdrawn to make room for additional
data. All data is stored in non-volatile Flash ROM
based memory.
Additional 6750 Proximate Interfaces may be
connected to the network confi gured as ADL or total
moisture interface devices at some remote location.
In this system, the primary 6750 Proximate Interface
can then be confi gured to get ADL or total moisture
data (weights) from the remote 6750 Proximate
Interface, confi gured as an ADL or total moisture
If the 6750 Proximate Interface is connected to
a Parr Calorimeter via an Ethernet communications
network, sample weights for heats of combustion
determinations will be transferred automatically to
the calorimeter. Determined Btu and Sulfur values
can then be transferred back to the 6750 Proxi-
mate Interface for incorporation in fi nal reports. If
the 6750 Proximate Interface is not connected to a
calorimeter controller, Btu and Sulfur values can be
entered directly through the touch screen.
The user can select from a variety of pre-pro-
grammed options to obtain either complete or par-
tial reports for individual samples or for a full range
of tests. A memory management system will clear
the test report memory when desired.
Safety Information
To avoid electrical shock, always:
1. Use a properly grounded electrical outlet of cor-
rect voltage and current handling capability.
2. Ensure that the equipment is connected to elec-
trical service according to local national electri-
cal codes. Failure to properly connect may create
a fi re or shock hazard.
3. For continued protection against possible haz-
ard, replace fuses with same type and rating of
4. Disconnect from the power supply before main-
tenance or servicing.
To avoid personal injury:
1. Do not use in the presence of fl ammable or com-
bustible materials; fi re or explosion may result.
This device contains components which may
ignite such material.
2. Refer servicing to qualifi ed personnel.
Intended Usage
If the instrument is used in a manner not specifi ed
by Parr Instrument Company, the protection provid-
ed by the equipment may be impaired.
Provisions for Lifting and Carrying
Before moving the instrument, disconnect all
connections from the rear of the apparatus. Lift the
instrument by grabbing underneath each corner.