Proximate interface – Parr Instrument 6750 User Manual

Page 24

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Proximate Interface

w w w . p a r r i n s t . c o m


Basic Data Entry Procedures

Pressing the SAMP ID key starts the data entry

sequence. This will prompt the operator to enter
the sample identifi cation string through the touch
screen (up to sixteen characters permitted). Next,
the operator presses the test identifi cation key,
MOIST, ASH, VM to identify the test followed by the
weight identifi cation key, TARE, GROSS, FINAL that
identifi es the weight. More than one weight identifi -
cation key can be selected. Most procedures call for
pressing both the tare and gross key initially.

The Interface will prompt for the tare weight of

the crucible followed by the gross weight. All this
time the Sample ID number and the selected test
and weight type(s) will be displayed. Once these
are verifi ed, the operator presses the ENTER key to
enter this identifi cation information. The display will
prompt the operator for weight information with a

Weights are automatically transferred from the

balance when confi gured by pressing the FER> key or they can be entered manually through
the keypad. The value can be verifi ed by the opera-
tor and entered into the 6750 Proximate Interface by
pressing the ENTER key, unless the automatic store
feature has been enabled. The basic weight entry
process is complete and can be repeated for the
next sample or weight. Moisture, ash, and volatile
matter can also be entered as percentages from the
keyboard by pressing the SAMP ID key, entering the
sample number, followed directly by ENTER which
causes a prompt for the percent value to be entered.

BTU Weight Entry

The 6750 Proximate Interface can be used as a

balance interface device to enter and store sample
weights for calorimetric tests. The weight entry pro-
cess uses the BTU test identifi cation key followed
by pressing the gross key. Alternately the Date Entry
Controls page can be set to prompt for the tare
weight for those balances that do not have an auto-
matic tare function.

BTU & Sulfur Value Entry

Btu and Sulfur values may be retrieved from

calorimeters or manually entered through the touch
screen. Entries on the Data Sources page controls
this choice. To enter these values, press the SAMP
ID and enter the sample identifi cation number.
Press the BTU or Sulfur key followed by ENTER. In
the retrieval mode, the appropriate value will be
transferred from a calorimeter to the display of the


verifi ed, this value can be entered into the

Interface by pressing ENTER. If Btu values in the cal-
orimeter or controller are preliminary values, then
any Btu or Sulfur values found by the Interface will
not be accepted. In the manual mode the operator
simply keys in the value in response to the prompt.
Btu and Sulfur values should be entered into the
Interface as “as determined values”.