HITEC Optic 6 Sport 2.4 User Manual

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Stick Lever Tension Adjustment

Change to ‘Mode 1’ Configuration

- Before you fly, perform a range check to confirm your radio system is responding correctly.
- To do a range check, Power-up the aircraft and either ask a friend to help hold the aircraft or secure it somehow.
- Walk away from the aircraft until the aircraft "glitches" or you notice intermittent control loss .
- Walk back to the aircraft, pacing out the distance.

- When you are ready to fly your model, position the throttle stick or switch to its low speed or off position.
Then, you may turn on the transmitter power followed by the receiver power.
- Use the LOCK function to prevent accidental throttle commands.
- When you have finished flying, turn off the receiver power first- then turn off the transmitter power.

- In case of electric-powered models the motor may unexpectedly turn on and cause a severe injury if the transmitter is switched off before


- Before starting the engine, power up the transmitter and receiver, and check to be sure that the servos follow the movement of the sticks.
- If a servo operates abnormally, don't attempt to fly until you determine the cause of the problem.
- Before starting the engine, be sure to check that the transmitter model memory is correct for the chosen model.
- While you're getting ready to fly, if you place your transmitter on the ground, be sure that the wind won't tip it over.
- If it is knocked over, the throttle stick may accidentally get moved causing the engine to race unexpectedly, causing damage or injury to


- Finally, don't fly in the rain! Water or moisture may enter the transmitter through the antenna or stick openings and cause erratic operation or
loss of control.

To ensure your own safety and the safety of others, please observe the following precautions:

We recommend that you fly at a recognized model airplane flying field.
You can find model clubs and fields by asking the nearest hobby dealer, or contacting the Academy of Model Aeronautics.
Always pay particular attention to the flying field's rules, as well as the presence and location of spectators, the wind direction, and any
obstacles on the field.
Be very careful flying in areas near power lines, tall buildings, or communication facilities as there may be radio interference in their vicinity.

Flying Safety

Stick Length Adjustment

You may adjust the stick tension of your sticks to provide the "feel" that you like for flying. To adjust your springs, you'll have to remove the
rear case of the transmitter. Using a screwdriver, remove the six screws that hold the transmitter's rear cover into position, and put them in a
safe place. Now, place some padding under the front of the transmitter and set it face-down on the pad.
Gently ease off the transmitter's rear cover. Now you'll see the view shown. Using a small cross-point screwdriver, rotate the adjusting screw
for each stick for the desired spring tension.
The tension increases when the adjusting screw is turned clockwise, and decreases for counterclockwise motion.

When you are satisfied with the spring tensions, you may close the transmitter. Very carefully reinstall the rear cover.
When the cover is properly in place, tighten the six screws.

Stick Lever Tension Adjustment / Mode Change

All Optic 6 Sport 2.4 systems sold in US are in ‘Mode 2’ format. However, you may wish to use Optic 6 Sport in ‘mode 1’ format.
There is a menu choice for this option in the Initial Set-Up function menu described on Page 15.

After selecting ‘Mode 1’ in the Initial Set-Up Menu, you must do the following hardware set-up in order to change the transmitter

1. Carefully remove the plastic side panels from the transmitter.
2. Remove all the six philips screws from the back of the case
3. Unscrew a hex screw to remove the Copper Ratchet from where it llocated and move it to the other side
4. Tighten up the tension spring hex screw on the new location
5. Loosen up the tension spring hex screw on the original location.
6. Re-assemble the case.

Hands come in all sizes so to accommodate everyone we use a two piece stick “top” that can be adjusted to fit a wide variety of users.

Separate the top from the bottom piece and adjust the top piece to the length required.
Screw the bottom up against the top piece to “jam” lock everything into position.

Flying field

Once you arrive at the flying field...

Note: Please use XXmm or XXinch Hex key for tension adjustment and mode changes.

Note : We want a good range check to be at least 75 feet or so.

If you do not follow these procedures, the receiver has no information to hold the servos steady and
you may damage your servos or control surfaces or flood your motor.

If you must fly in wet weather during a contest, be sure to protect your transmitter with a plastic
bag or waterproof barrier.