Hanna Instruments HI 84430 User Manual
Page 22

-Overrage for the measured value: R-in range, O-over range, U-under range.
-Measured value (7 chars): for the pH meter log this is the measured pH value; for
the titrator log this is the concentration value
-Temperature reading, with two decimal points (7 chars) (only for pH meter log)
-Calibration offset (7 chars) (only for pH meter log)
-Calibration slope (7 chars) (only for pH meter log)
-Concentration unit (1 char) (only for titrator log): 0=mg/L, 1=meq/L
-Acidity type (1 char) (only for titrator log): 0=Total LR, 1=Total HR, 2=Strong LR,
3=Strong HR
-Logged time (12 chars): yymmddhhmmss
-Temperature probe presence (1 char)
-Checksum (2 chars)
-”Err8” is sent if the instrument is not in measurement mode
-”Err6” is sent if the requested range is not available
-”Err4” is sent if the requested set parameter is not available
-”Err3” is sent if the Log on demand is empty
-Invalid commands will be ignored.
Requests the setup parameters setting.
The answer string contains:
-Instrument ID (4 chars)
-Calibration alarm time out (2 chars)
-Concentration unit (1 char): 0=mg/L, 1=meq/L
-Acidity type (1 char): 0=Total LR, 1=Total HR, 2=Strong LR, 3=Strong HR
-SETUP information (2 chars): 8 bit hexadecimal encoding
-0x01-beep ON (else OFF)
-0x04-degree Celsius (else degrees Fahrenheit)
-Backlight value (1 char)
-Contrast value (2 chars)
-Time format (1 char): 0=24 hours, 1=AM/PM
-Date format (1 char): 0-DD/MM/YYYY
4-Mon DD, YYYY
-Language name (3 chars, “sfm” when the instrument is in safe mode)
-Checksum (2 chars)
Requests the number of logged samples (4 chars).
The command parameter (1 char):
-P-request for pH meter
-T-request for titrator
LODPxxx Requests the xxxth pH record logged data
LODTxxx Requests the xxxth titrator record logged data
Requests all the stored records from the pH meter log
Requests all the stored records from the titrator log
The answer string for each record contains:
-Logged mode (2 chars): -00-pH meter (0.1 resolution)
-01-pH meter (0.01 resolution)