Electrode preparation – Hanna Instruments HI 84500 User Manual
Page 16

Remove the electrode protective cap.
DO NOT BE ALARMED IF ANY SALT DEPOSITS ARE PRESENT. This is normal with electrodes and
they will disappear when rinsed with distilled/deionized water.
During transport tiny bubbles of air may have formed inside the glass bulb. The electrode cannot
function properly under these conditions. These bubbles can be removed by "shaking down" the
electrode as you would do with a glass thermometer.
If the bulb is dry, soak the electrode in
HI 70300 Storage Solution for at least one hour.
This screen appears when the stirrer is not working
properly. Check the stir bar and beaker content.
Restart to try again.
This error message appears when the pump is not
working properly. Check the tubing, valve and
syringe. Press
Restart to try again.
This error message appears when the input reading
2000 mV) exceeds the input limits during a
This screen appears when the sample concentration
is out of range.