Hanna Instruments HI 3220 User Manual
Page 54

• log type (2 chars)
Requests all records for the lot with ID=xxx
The answer string contains:
• Lot header data:
•logging interval (5 char)
•log type (1 char)
•temperature mode (1 char)
•offset (3 char)
•slope (4 char)
•unit (1 char)
• Lot record data:
•temperature (3 char)
•value (6 char)
•second value (6 char)
LODxPyyyRequests the yyy
pH record logged data when x=1.
LODxMyyyRequests the yyy
mV/Rel mV record logged data.
LODxIyyy Requests the yyy
ISE record logged data when x=1 (HI 3221)
or when x=2 (HI 3222).
LODxPALLRequests all pH Log on demand when x=1.
LODxMALLRequests all mV/Rel mV Log on demand.
LODxIALLRequests all ISE Log on demand when x=1 (HI 3221)
or when x=2 (HI 3222).
The answer string for each record contains:
• The logged mode (2 chars):
• xx=10 pH range/0.001 resolution on channel 1
• xx=11 pH range/0.01 resolution on channel 1
• xx=12 pH range/0.1 resolution on channel 1
• xx=13 mV range on channel 1
• xx=14 Relative mV range on channel 1
• xx=15 ISE range on channel 1 (HI 3221)
• xx=20 ISE range on channel 2 (HI 3222)
• xx=21 mV range on channel 2 (HI 3222)
• xx=22 Relative mV range on channel 2 (HI 3222)
• Reading status (1 char): R, O, U
• Calculated reading, with sign and decimal point and
exponent (13 chars) - for pH, Rel mV and ISE range
• Temperature reading, with sign and two decimal points
(8 chars)
• mV reading status (1 char): R, O, U