Hanna Instruments HI 3220 User Manual
Page 28

Wrong standard
The calibration cannot be confirmed. Verify that the correct standard is selected.
The message appears if mV input is out of ±2000 mV range.
Wrong slope
The calibration cannot be confirmed.
This message is displayed if slope is out of the accepted range.
Slope under accepted value (30 % default slope). Verify that the correct
standard is selected.
Slope over accepted value (130 % default slope).
Wrong old slope
An inconsistency between present and previous (old) calibration is detected.
Clear old calibration parameters and proceed calibration from the current
point. The instrument will keep all confirmed values during current calibration.
The instrument will display “----” on the primary LCD if is not calibrated or
after all calibrations are cleared.
If “Clear” is pressed during the first calibration point, the instrument returns
to measurement mode.
Notes: • Press Temp function key to select temperature value to be changed
if the temperature probe is not connected;
• ISE range is not temperature compensated on this meter;
• Standards and samples should be at the same temperature.