FeiYu Tech FY-41AP User Manual
Page 21

Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn [email protected]
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RC setting
FY-41AP requires a minimum of 5-channel RC receiver.
① First, the remote control is set to fixed-wing aircraft of conventional
layout mode, do not set any mixing. The rudder angle of the remote control is set
to 100%, and fine-tunes gyrus.
② Need a three-position switch or rotary switch settings for CH5 used to
connect SW1. Used to switch the flight mode.
③ After the connection is complete, call CH5 to check if the settings are in
correct control mode, the status of the lights, or OSD display mode to confirm.
Motor Mixer
The following pictures display the rotation direction and serial number of
each motor, each ESC should be connected to the DoS&41AP S1 - S8 interface.
Pay attention that once you‘ve chosen the control type, the corresponding position
motor rotation direction has to be completely the same as in the picture. (If the
motor rotation direction is not correct then exchange any two of the three connect
wires between ESC and motor to change the motor rotation direction.)
FY-41AP support the following types of multi-rotors: