FeiYu Tech FY Autopilot & AFSS User Manual
Feiyu tech firmware upgrade procedure, Exactly chronologically, Attention: 1)

GuiLin FeiYu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. www.feiyudz.cn E-mail: [email protected]
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Feiyu Tech Firmware Upgrade Procedure
– Before firmware upgrading:
A) Remove the FY module (FY-30A\FY-31AP\Hornet\Panda…) from all connections (Remove ESC/RC
B) Do not disrupt the Firmware uploading process (e.g. moving your laptop resulting is lost connection).
Disrupting the process can damage your FY30A processor.
C) If you are using a portable computer, make sure you have enough power to carry through the
updating process. This is to prevent B) above.
D) Follow the steps below
If you skip any step, firmware upgrade will fail.
Very importamt:
we strongly recommend when doing the upgrade process please use the
USB cable power supply to the FY module. Because
if you use the External power
source supply, you have to very strict control the power on time for the FY module
can not power on the FY module over the normal operating voltage)
Cannot power
on until you have “open port” and also the USB cable have been connect with the FY
module, or it may cause the firmware upgrade fail.
Connect the USB data cable to your PC(Do not connect the FY module
to the USB data cable)
2) Open the firmware upgrade software, choose the right COM port, baud rate
19200, the FY module type(Like FY-30A,FY-31AP…), and click on “ Open ”
3) Connect the FY module to the USB data cable after open port.(Usually
through the FY module UART port, but you should through Hornet-OSD “GND
+3.3V TX RX” port do the firmware upgrade for Hornet-OSD, and FY-41AP
UART2 port do the firmware upgrade for FY-41AP OSD part.)
4) When you do the firmware upgrade for FY-41AP OSD part, please notice
that: You should choose the “FY-41-OSD” from the products type
pull-down menu.
Following operate is default for use the USB cable for the power supply.
Download the software onto your desktop. Download both the firmware upgrade
program(FY-Firmware-Upgrade.exe) and the require firmware (.bin file) :
If you have not done so, please install the USB TTL Cable driver from FY websites. The computer
will not recognize the USB TTL Cable if the proper driver is not installed.