EXFO iOLM User Manual

Page 38

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Setting User Preferences



Customizing the File Name

6. Tap Apply to save the changes.

7. Tap OK to save the changes and close the window, or tap Cancel to

exit without saving.

Tap Revert to Factory Settings to remove all the changes and apply the
default values.

Note: If the “Wavelengths” file name component is selected, then all of the iOLM

wavelengths present in the iOLM measurement are added to the file name.
When the power meter level is present in the measurement, power meter
wavelengths are added to the file name. For example, if the wavelength is
the only file name component selected under the Filename tab, the iOLM
measurement is done at 1625 nm and the power meter measurement is
done at 1490 nm + 1550 nm, then the file name will be
“1625_1490 + 1550.iolm”.