Eurocom X3 User Manual
Page 221

7 - 36 Fingerprint Reader Module
Dock View
Dock View displays the website icons across the bottom of the screen. Each icon
wiLl have an associated web card which displays the website information, user name
and password etc. This information may be edited or deleted as required.
Editing a Web Card
Run the AuthenTec TrueSuite application.
Left-click a web card to bring up the associated information.
You can click the reveal/hide password button
to see or hide the password.
Make any changes required and click Save to confirm the changes.
To delete a web card left-click it and click the Delete icon.
Click Print to print and web card and the password will be shown in plain text.
You can Print all web cards from the menu bar button if required.
Figure 7 - 27
Dock View
Figure 7 - 28
Add Website
- Armadillo 2 (90 pages)
- Electra 2 (260 pages)
- Electra 3 (260 pages)
- M3 (265 pages)
- M4 (276 pages)
- Armadillo (260 pages)
- Electra (114 pages)
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