ENMET ISA-44-2OD User Manual

Page 17

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ENMET Corporation


4.4 Rough Test

To see that the instrument is capable of alarming, at a quick glance. Do not substitute this procedure for regular
calibration with proper equipment.

For hydrocarbon (combustible) responses:
Hold a butane lighter near the sensor cover. Briefly depress the lever, without striking the flint, to squirt some butane
vapors . Do not squirt butane vapors directly on the sensor. The alarm should trigger; green power light goes off and
the red light and horn activate.


Expose a small amount of rubbing alcohol (methanol) to the atmosphere near the sensor. Waving the cap from an
alcohol bottle should be enough. The alarm should trigger.

For toxic gas response:
Follow the methanol test above.

For oxygen deficiency responses:
Exhale normally over the oxygen cell. The clean air you inhale is about 20.9% oxygen and the air you exhale is about
16% oxygen, well below the preset alarm point. The alarm should trigger.