Advanced troubleshooting, Elenco – Elenco Snap Circuits® Home Learning User Manual

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Advanced Troubleshooting

(Adult supervision recommended)




is not responsible for parts damaged due to incorrect


If you suspect you have damaged parts, you can follow
this procedure to systematically determine which ones
need replacing:


2.5V lamp (L1), motor (M1), speaker (SP), and battery holder

Place batteries in holder. Place the 2.5V lamp directly

across the battery holder, it should light. Do the same with the
motor (motor + to battery +), it should spin to the right at high
speed. “Tap” the speaker across the batttery holder contacts,
you should hear static as it touches. If none work then replace
your batteries and repeat, if still bad then the battery holder is


Jumper wires:

Use this mini-

circuit to test each jumper
wire, the lamp should light.


Snap wires:

Use this mini-

circuit to test each of the snap
wires, one at a time. The lamp
should light.


Slide switch (S1) and Press switch (S2):

Build activity 1, if

the lamp (L1) doesn’t light then the slide switch is bad. Replace
the slide switch with the press switch to test it.



resistor (R1) and LED (D1):

Build activity 6 except

initially use the speaker (SP) in place of the LED, you will hear
static if the resistor is good. Then replace the speaker with the
LED and see that it lights.


Music IC (U1):

Build the circuit

shown here. Turn it on and the LED
(D1) flickers for a while and stops, it
should resume if you spin the motor
(M1) or push the press switch (S2).


NPN transistor (Q2), 100k

resistor (R5), and Photoresistor


Build the mini-circuit shown here. The LED (D2) should

only be on if the press switch (S2) is pressed; if otherwise then
the NPN is damaged.

• Replace the 100

Ω resistor (R1)

with the 100k

Ω resistor (R5). The

LED should light when the press
switch is pressed; otherwise the

Ω resistor is damaged.

• Replace the 100k

Ω resistor with the photoresistor. The LED

should light when the press switch is pressed and there is
light on the photoresistor; otherwise the photoresistor is


Electromagnet (M3):

Use the circuit for activity 18, and place

the iron core rod in the electromagnet. When you push the press
switch (S2), a metal paperclip or small iron nail should be
attracted to the iron core rod; if no attraction then the
electromagnet is damaged.



150 Carpenter Avenue

Wheeling, IL 60090 U.S.A.

Phone: (847) 541-3800 • Fax: (847) 520-0085

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You may order additional / replacement parts at: