Activity 6, Light emitting diode – Elenco Snap Circuits® Home Learning User Manual
Page 17

Materials List
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (Light Emitting Diode, D1)
1 100
Ω Resistor (R1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
Draw the circuit using the circuit diagram symbols.
Is this a series or parallel circuit? How do you know? _________________________________________________________
What happens when you close the switch? __________________________________________________________________
How is this circuit like the circuit in Activity 1? How is it different? ________________________________________________
What is the function of the resistor? ________________________________________________________________________
List several devices you have seen that use LED's in them. _____________________________________________________
Why are LED's used instead of a incandescent light bulbs in these devices? _______________________________________
Build the circuit pictured on the left.
Activity 6
Light Emitting Diode