Activities listing – Elenco Snap Circuits® Home Learning User Manual

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Activity # Description Page #

1 Electric Light and Switch 10

2 Motor and Switch 12

3 Lamp and Fan in Series 13

4 Lamp and Fan in Parallel 14

5 Lamp, Speaker, and Fan in Parallel 15

6 Light Emitting Diode 16

7 One Direction for the LED 17

8 Conduction Detector 18

9 Morse Code 19

10 Flying Saucer 20

11 Decreasing Lift 20

12 Two-Speed Fan 21

13 Musical Doorbell 22

14 Musical Alarm 23

15 Happy Birthday with Light 24

16 Spinning Rings 25

17 Strobe the House Lights 25

18 The Electromagnet 26

19 This OR That OR Both 27

20 This AND That 28

21 Music AND Gate 29

22 Neither This NOR That 30

23 NOT This AND That 30

24 Reflection Detector 31

25 Math Game 32

26 LED Night Light 33

27 Motor Running LED 34

28 Light Activator 35

29 Sounds, Light, and Motion 36

30 Simple Water Alarm 37

Activities Listing

Objectives: As a result of completion of activities 1 - 30 in this kit, students will:

• Understand basic information about electricity as a form of energy

• Control the flow of electricity through a number of circuits and devices

• Identify the path of electricity through a circuit

• Identify the parts of a circuit

• Repair a non-functioning circuit

• Transform electrical energy into light, sound, and motion

• Identify series and parallel circuits

• Determine if materials are conductors of electricity or insulators

• Observe the effect of resistance on the brightness of a bulb or LED

• Study the motion of a motor

• Produce and study sound from a speaker

• Draw and label circuit diagrams

• Build a Morse Code sender (telegraph using light instead of sound)

• Send and receive messages in Morse code, and decode messages received

• Observe the effect of fluorescent light on a spinning disc

• Observe the effect of electricity on a temporary magnet (electromagnet)

• Use a transistor to switch devices on or off

• Make a circuit that detects the presence of water

• Have a better understanding of the scientific method of investigation