Echelon LNS Plug-in User Manual
Page 17

• The ObjectServer folder is common to all computers with the LNS Server runtime installed.
• The Assemblies folder contains the .NET assemblies referenced by plug-ins that are built
using the framework. Visual Studio is informed of this directory by a registry entry added
during the installation. This makes the assembly information accessible to the development
environment. These assemblies are also installed directly into the Global Assembly Cache for
runtime support of framework-based plug-ins.
• The Apps folder is used by convention to redistribute LNS plug-ins. The sub-directory under
the Apps folder should give the plug-in manufacturer’s name (for example, this folder
contains an “ACME” subdirectory containing the provided example plug-in). Under the
manufacturer’s directory, there should be a directory specific to each individual plug-in
created by your company. For example, there is an Example folder under the
LonWorks\Apps\ACME directory representing one plug-in created by the ACME company.
If the ACME company created another plug-in named “Example2”, it would be stored in an
Example2 folder under the LonWorks\Apps\ACME directory.
• The Examples folder contains example LNS applications.
• The Documentation folder contains a ReadMe file, a PDF of this manual, the LNS Plug-in
Framework Online Help, and a Visio drawing illustrating the plug-in instantiation models.
• The MergeModules folder contains merge modules for the two .NET assemblies referenced
by framework-driven plug-ins. These merge modules should be included in your installation
when you redistribute a plug-in developed with the Kit. See Redistributing Your Plug-ins
later in this chapter for details.
• The ExampleCSPlugin folder and sub-directories contain source code and Visual Studio
2005 project files for the ACME Example C# Plug-in.
• The ExampleVBPlugin folder and sub-directories contain source code and Visual Studio
2005 project files for the ACME Example VB.NET Plug-in. This example was created by
translating the C# version of the example plug-in source code to the VB.NET language.
5. After the installation has successfully completed, an Echelon Plug-in Framework Developer’s
Kit program folder will appear in the Windows program folders. Shortcuts within this folder
provide access to the ReadMe file, a PDF of this manual, the LNS Plug-in Framework online help
file, the standalone example plug-in executable, and the C# and VB.NET examples.