Step 7: get more information – Echelon IzoT FT 6000 EVK User Manual
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state and then click Next. In the New Device Wizard, select Service Pin and then click
Finish. When the Device Installation window is displayed, press the Service button on each of your
EVBs. The Service button is located at the top right corner of the EVB, and is next to the LED
labelled Service. The Neuron ID for each of your EVBs will appear in the Neuron ID column.
Press Continue to commission the two EVBs.
8. To verify that your EVBs are communicating, toggle the joystick down twice to display the Remote Info
Mode panel. The joystick is located at the bottom center of the EVB and is labeled SW3. Repeat this on
the second EVB. Then cover the light-level sensor on one EVB with your finger and verify that the Light
value changes on the second EVB. The light-level sensor is located at the bottom right of the EVB and is
labeled LIGHT. This update is enabled by the network variable output on each EVB that publishes the
light level as a lux value, a network variable input on each EVB that receives light-level updates from other
devices, and connections between these network variables that are created by the IzoT Commissioning
Step 7: Get More Information
1. See the IzoT NodeBuilder
User’s Guide will in your Echelon NodeBuilder -> Documentation program
folder to get started.
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4. Find all the latest documentation at
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Part Number 078-0506-01D