Step 6: create a simple network – Echelon IzoT FT 6000 EVK User Manual
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1. To open a Windows command prompt, click the Windows Start button, type cmd in the search box, and
then press the Enter key.
2. At the command prompt, type NodeUtil –d<interfaceName>. Enclose the interface name in quotes if
there are any spaces in the name. For example:
NodeUtil –d"LonTalk IP"
3. Press the Connect button on your IzoT Router to send a service pin message.
NodeUtil displays a message
similar to the following
Received an ID message from device 1
if you don’t see any ID messages after pressing the Connect button several times, check to see if UDP port
2541 is open on your computer’s firewall.
4. Type G to go to a device, type 1 to go to device 1, and then press the Enter key.
5. Type S to report device status and statistics to display status information about the IzoT Router. The last
line of the display includes the IzoT Router’s IP address.
6. Type N to preserve the router’s statistics. You can type Y instead to reset the router’s statistics counters.
7. Type E to exit the device menu.
8. Type E to exit NodeUtil.
9. Close the command prompt.
Step 6: Create a Simple Network
The FT 6000 EVK includes three Neuron C example applications that you can use to test the I/O devices on the
FT 6000 EVBs, and to create and manage a network with the FT 6000 EVBs and your IzoT Router. The FT 6000
EVB comes with the NcMultiSensorExample application loaded. This application uses the push buttons, LEDs,
temperature sensor, light sensor, LCD, and joystick on the FT 6000 EVB. You can load a different example in the
FT 6000 EVB, and you can also load your own custom applications in the FT 6000 EVB.
You can create a network with the FT 6000 EVBs in two ways—you can either use Interoperable Self-Installation
(ISI) to enable the EVBs to be connected to each other by pressing Connect buttons on each, or you can use the
IzoT Commissioning Tool to specify the devices to be installed in a network and to create connections. To create
a network using ISI, see the FT 6000 EVB Examples Guide for details. To create a network using the IzoT
Commissioning Tool and your FT 6000 EVBs with the NcMultiSensorExample application, follow these steps:
1. To add an IP route for your LonTalk/IP Ethernet and FT channels, open a Windows command prompt and
enter the following commands:
route –p add mask
<IzoT Router IP address>
route –p add mask
<IzoT Router IP address>
The and IP addresses encode the domain ID length (1 byte) and domain ID value
of 128 (0x80) used for the FT 6000 EVK network. The first route encodes subnet 1 node 1 for the
Ethernet side of the IzoT router, and the second route encodes subnet 2 for the FT side of the router and
the EVB devices, as assigned in the IzoT CT network drawing. If you are using a different IzoT CT
network you can use the LonTalkIpAddressCalculator application to translate LonTalk addresses into IP
addresses. If you are installing your devices onto a network that already uses any IP addresses in the
ranges of to or to IP addresses, change the domain for
the IzoT CT network as described in the IzoT Commissioning Tool User's Guide. This will be the case if
you install multiple FT 6000 EVBs on the same IP network. For more information on IP addresses for
LonTalk/IP devices, see How Devices Communicate Using Network Variables in the Neuron C
Programmer’s Guide. For more information on the LonTalkIpAddressCalculator, see the IzoT
NodeBuilder ReadMe document.