Step 4: create a lontalk/ip network interface, Step 5: find the ip address of your izot router – Echelon IzoT FT 6000 EVK User Manual
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2. Insert one end of the Ethernet cable into the 10/100BASE-TX jack next to the orange connector, and the
other end into an Ethernet switch or hub connected to the same network as your computer.
3. Connect the barrel connector of the included power supply into the barrel jack for the IzoT Router.
Connect the power supply to one of the included power cords, and plug the power cord into a power
outlet. The router is ready to use when the Power indicator turns solid blue.
Step 4: Create a LonTalk/IP Network Interface
To create a LonTalk/IP Network Interface for use with the IzoT Commissioning Tool or the NodeUtil Node Utility,
follow these steps:
1. Start the LonTalk/IP Interfaces application from the Start menu under All Programs
Echelon IzoT
Network Services Utilities
IzoT Network Services LonTalk-IP Interfaces.
2. Type a name such as LonTalk IP in the LonTalk/IP Interfaces field. This will be the name you supply
when specifying an interface to NodeUtil and in the IzoT Commissioning Tool.
3. Select the IP network interface for this LonTalk IP interface to use from the IP Interface box.
You can
choose from a list of names like LocalAreaConnection or Ethernet.
Do not select a loopback
4. Click Create.
5. Close the LonTalk/IP Interfaces application.
Step 5: Find the IP Address of your IzoT Router
Use these steps to test communication between your computer and the IzoT Router and also to determine your
IzoT Router’s IP address: