Echelon IzoT FT 6000 EVK User Manual

Page 5

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2. Start the IzoT Commissioning Tool.

3. Restore the FT 6000 EVK network. The file for this is stored in the L




NeuronC\Examples\FT6000EVB\NcMultiSensorExample folder on your computer (the L




folder is C:\Program File (x86)\LonWorks by default if you are using 64-bit Windows), and is named

After restoring the IzoT NcMultiSensor example network, to open the

NcMultiSensor project in the NodeBuilder software, select Open an Existing Project when prompted
whether to create a new or open an existing project, and browse to the NcExamples.NbPrj project
located in your local C:\Users\Public\Documents\LonWorks\OpenLnsCt\Source\FT 6000 EVB

4. Open the FT 6000 EVK network you restored with the IzoT Commissioning Tool. The network in the

following figure is displayed. The FT 6000 EVK network includes an OpenLNS Network Interface device
shape, an uncommissioned IzoT Router, two uncommissioned device shapes representing the
NcMultiSensorExample applications pre-loaded on your FT 6000 EVBs, functional block and network
variable shapes for the functional blocks and the network variables defined in the NcMultiSensor device
interface, and connections to enable communication between the two MultiSensor devices.

5. To commission the IzoT Router, right-click the IzoT Router shape, point to Commissioning, and then

click Commission on the shortcut menu. In the Router Application State window, select the Online
state and then click Next. In the New Device Wizard, select Service Pin and then click Finish. When
the service pin prompt is displayed, press the Connect/Service button on your IzoT Router.

6. Click Continue to commission the router.

7. To commission MultiSensor Device 1 and MultiSensor Device 2, Ctrl-click the two device shapes, right-

click one of the selected shapes, point to Commissioning, and then click Commission on the shortcut
menu. In the Application Image window, clear the Load Application Image and Update Firmware
options if they are selected, and then click Next. In the Application State window, select the Online