Dspsetcursor – AMT Datasouth PAL User Manual

Page 91

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Select front panel character display visible cursor style.





Dictionary. Controls for establishing new visible cursor style.


Boolean. true enables the displaying of a block style cursor. false dis-
ables the block style cursor. Enabling the block style cursor does not
necessarily disable any other cursor style. Some displays have the
ability to display multiple cursor styles at one time.


Boolean. true enables the front panel character display. false disables
(blanks) the display.


Boolean. true enables the displaying of an underline style cursor. false
disables the underline style cursor. Enabling the underline style cursor
does not necessarily disable any other cursor style. Some displays have
the ability to display multiple cursor styles at one time.


Some displays only support a single cursor style. If that is the case, then the /Block and /UL
functions behave the same.