Barcode: upc-e – AMT Datasouth PAL User Manual

Page 61

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_barcode: UPC-E

_barcode: UPC-E

DataStr [CtrlDict]



This symbology conforms to the UPC Symbol Specification Manual.

Applicable Control Dictionary Entries

See appendix A., Bar Code Considerations for a discussion of the relationship between the CTM
and default values.


Integer or fixed-point. Specifies the height, in current user units,
of the overall bar code. For this bar code symbology, the height
includes the human readable text. Default value = 36.0 (0.5" /
12.7 mm with default CTM).


Integer or fixed-point. Specifies the width, in current user units,
of the narrow bars. This is generally referred to as the X
dimension. Default value = 0.936 (0.013" / 0.33 mm with
default CTM).


Boolean. true indicates that the data string contains a standard
12-digit UPC number. false indicates that zero-compressions
has already been performed on the data string and the string
contains exactly six digits. Default value = false.

Usage Notes

Valid characters for UPC-E bar codes are the digits 0 through 9. Any other characters will cause
the string to be rejected with a rangecheck error.

If the UPCE6 flag is false UPC-E symbols require exactly the same 12-digit numbers as UPC-A.
If fewer digits are provided,, the string will be padded with leading zeros. Since the check digit is
integral in the bar encoding for UPC-E symbols, PAL always computes the correct value and re-
places the 12th digit with the new check digit. The data string should contain a dummy character in
the 12th digit to receive the check digit. Do not assume that only 11 digits are needed. Specifying
short strings causes the string to be padded with zeros and the last character being replaced by the
check digit.

12-Digit UPC numbers are zero-compressed using the UPC-E rules. If the number is not compress-
ible (e.g., does not contain enough central zeros), the string will be rejected with a rangecheck

If the 6-digit compressed value is known by the application, it may be specified directly if the
UPCE6 flag is set to true. Since the check digit is computed internally, no dummy character
should be left for it. Specify exactly 6 digits or less. If fewer digits than 6 are specified, the symbol
is padded with leading zeros.

The generated image includes leading and trailing quiet zones (white space). The size of the quiet
zone is 10 times NarrowWidth. If this results in a quiet zone of less than 0.10 inch (2.54 mm), the
user should leave additional white space before and after the bar code.

The following examples generate 1.13 inch tall UPC-E bar codes with 0.013 inch narrow bars.