Setpagedevice – AMT Datasouth PAL User Manual

Page 182

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Provides very low-level control over page printing mechanism.





Dictionary. Specifies various new settings to control page printing.


Integer. Only supported on continuous media printers which have media
cutting capability. A value of zero (0) instructs the printer not to cut the
media. A value of four (4) instructs the printer to cut the media between
every page.


Integer or fixed-point. Controls the speed at which the printing
mechanism feeds the media. The entry specifies the feed rate as a per-
centage of the maximum feed rate supported by the mechanism. A value
of 100 implies full speed printing. A value of 0 implies no feeding of
the media. Typically, printers which support this parameter also enforce
a minimum feed rate. As a result, percentages which result in a feed rate
below this minimum will only result in the minimum feed rate.


Integer or fixed point. This feature is only available on the Fastmark
series of printers.
Allows the printing to be shifted in the horizontal
direction. This parameter is specified in inches and effectively sets the
Horz Align feature available through the front panel.


Array. Establishes the dimensions of the logical printable area and the
logical printable area's relationship to the physical media. PAL expects
all values in points (1/72"). The user coordinate system has no affect on
this parameter. If the logical printable area exceeds the physical
printable area for the active media, PAL will reduce the logical
printable area as necessary. On the Fastmark printer line, this
parameter has no effect.


HorzOrg VertOrg Width Height



Integer or fixed-point. Establishes the location of the logical
printable area's left edge in relation to the physical media's left
edge. The user must specify this value in points (1/72").


Integer or fixed-point. Establishes the location of the logical
printable area's bottom edge in relation to the physical media's
bottom edge. The user must specify this value in points


Integer or fixed-point. Establishes the width of the logical
printable area in points (1/72").