Barcode: code 93 – AMT Datasouth PAL User Manual

Page 47

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_barcode: Code 93

_barcode: Code 93

DataStr [CtrlDict]



This symbology conforms to the USS-93 specification.

Applicable Control Dictionary Entries

See appendix A., Bar Code Considerations for a discussion of the relationship between the CTM
and default values.


Integer or fixed-point. Specifies the height, in current user
coordinates, of the bar code. This value should be at least 0.25
inches (6.35 mm) or 15% of the bar code symbol length,
whichever is greater. Note that this is the height of the bars and
does not include the human readable text, if any. The resulting
overall bar code image may be taller than Height. Default value
= 36.0 (0.5" / 12.7 mm with default CTM).


Boolean. true instructs PAL to draw the human readable text
above the bar code. false instructs PAL to draw the human
readable text below the bar code. If HRShow is false, this entry
is ignored. Default value = false.


Boolean. true instructs PAL to draw the human readable text
along with the bar code. false instructs PAL to not draw the
human readable text. Default value = true.


Integer or fixed-point. Specifies the width, in current user units,
of the narrow bars. This is generally referred to as the X
dimension. Default value = 0.72 (1/100" / 0.254 mm with
default CTM).

Character Set

Valid characters for Code 93 bar codes are the digits 0 through 9, the capital letters A through Z, a
space, and the characters - . $ / + and %. Four special characters, [$] [%] [/] and [+], are also sup-
ported. To send these special characters, precede the character with ~. Thus, to specify [$], send
~$. Any other characters will cause the string to be rejected with a rangecheck error.

Extended Character Set

Code 93 supports a scheme for encoding the full ASCII character set. By combining special
characters with valid Code 93 characters as shown in the following table, all ASCII characters may
be encoded.