Barcode: code 39 – AMT Datasouth PAL User Manual
Page 44

_barcode: Code 39
_barcode: Code 39
DataStr [CtrlDict]
This symbology conforms to the USS-39 specification.
Applicable Control Dictionary Entries
See appendix A., Bar Code Considerations for a discussion of the relationship between the CTM
and default values.
Boolean. true instructs PAL to automatically calculate the check
digit and insert it at the end of the data string just before the stop
character. false instructs PAL to use the data string without
modification. A computed check digit will also be displayed in
the human readable text. Default value = false.
Integer or fixed-point. Specifies the height, in current user units,
of the bar code. This value should be at least 0.25 inches (6.35
mm) or 15% of the bar code symbol length, whichever is
greater. Note that this is the height of the bars and does not
include the human readable text, if any. The resulting overall bar
code image may be taller than Height. Default value = 36.0
(0.5" / 12.7 mm with default CTM).
Boolean. true instructs PAL to print the human readable above
the bar code. false instructs PAL to print the human readable
below the bar code. If HRShow is false, this entry is ignored.
Default value = false.
Boolean. true instructs the PAL to draw the human readable text
along with the bar code. false instructs PAL to not draw the
human readable text. Default value = true.
Boolean. true instructs PAL to include the start and stop
characters (*) when drawing the human readable text. false
instructs PAL to not include the start and stop characters as part
of the human readable. Although the specification suggests these
characters not to be printed, traditionally they are printed. For
that reason, the default is set to print them. If HRShow is false,
this entry is ignored. Default value = true.
Integer or fixed-point. Specifies the width, in current user units,
of the narrow bars drawn as part of the bar code. This is
generally referred to as the X dimension. Default value = 0.72
(1/100" / 0.254 mm with default CTM).
Integer or fixed-point. Specifies the ratio of the wide bars to the
narrow bars. The value is a multiplier which PAL applies to the
narrow bar width in order to establish the width of the wide bars.
Default value = 3.0.