Play – AMT Datasouth PAL User Manual
Page 153
Plays a musical sequence.
String. Instructions for PAL's Solo Wave Audio (SWA) generator.
This operator provides the simplest means of controlling the speaker or other audio source
available on many PAL printers. With this operator, the programmer can generate musical
sequences to create audio-feedback for a printer operator.
PAL refers to this level of audio control as Solo Wave Audio support. "Solo Wave" refers to the
fact that the printer must only generate a single pure tone (audio wave) for each requested note.
PAL printers typically provide three levels of audio generation capability in relation to Solo Wave
Audio support. Some PAL printers do not contain a speaker or other audio generator. These
printers will simply ignore Solo Wave Audio requests generated by the _play operator.
Some PAL printers provide a small buzzer, or possibly a speaker, which can produce an audio tone
with only a single frequency. Since these printers can only produce "beeps," they will respond to
Solo Wave Audio requests by generating the same "beep" for every note requested. On some of
these printers, the Solo Wave Audio sequence may have some influence over the duration of each
Printers with more extensive Solo Wave Audio support can produce notes at different frequencies.
The total range of available notes can vary from printer to printer. If a printer receives a request to
play a note outside its supported range, the printer will typically substitute the closest supported