Upgrading your oxygen driver – 3DLABS Oxygen 402 User Manual
Page 45

Installation and User’s Guide
Upgrading Your Oxygen Driver
New drivers for your Oxygen card are posted to the Dynamic Pictures
web site. If you need to upgrade your Oxygen driver, follow the
directions in this section. If you are installing Dynamic Pictures’ driver
software for the very first time, follow the directions in the
Your Software section on page 5.
If you have access to the Internet, you can easily locate and download
new Oxygen software drivers from Dynamic Pictures’ web site at:
To download and install updated Oxygen drivers:
To download and install updated Oxygen drivers:
Point your web browser to the Dynamic Pictures home page, and
then select the Software Driver Updates link. From this page, you
will be able to download the appropriate Oxygen driver for your
hardware platform. The driver file that will be downloaded to your
machine is a self-extracting archive.
From the Windows NT Explorer, create a new directory on your
hard drive for the drivers (e.g., “C:\temp\dpi”). Then move the
“.exe” file to this new directory.
Double-click on the self-extracting “.exe” file to decompress the
driver files into the newly created directory.
After carefully reviewing the Release Notes found in the release.txt
file, begin the software installation process detailed in the
Installing Your Software section on page 5 of this manual.
Restart your computer. You are now using your new driver.
To verify the successful installation of your new drivers, launch
the Oxygen Control Panel after restarting. The version number
displayed in the control panel should match the version you just