3DLABS Oxygen 402 User Manual
Page 41

Installation and User’s Guide
If you are rendering a scene in which the background stays relatively
constant and there is little action in the foreground, you might want to
alter your application and Oxygen settings.
1) Open the Oxygen 3D control panel
Advanced Options page
and click on the “
Enable back buffer copy mode” option.
2) In 3D Studio MAX, open the page: File/Preferences/Viewports
and click on the “Configure Driver” button. Uncheck the
“Redraw Scene On Window Expose” option and make sure
that the “Use Incremental Scene Updates (OpenGL
Extension)” option is checked.
These optimizations increase performance when swapping the front
and back buffers. Only active objects in the scene are re-drawn in the
back buffer while static scenery is copied from the previous frame.
Proceed to the
Memory Options page in the control panel. Since
Lightscape provides many opportunities to leverage texture mapping,
make sure that you select the “
Optimize for memory utilization” radio
button in the Texture Memory box.
LightWave 3D
LightWave 3D
For best performance, you must enable OpenGL support in
LightWave’s Options/Layout View box. Also, select the “
Smooth Shaded” option within LightWave Modeler’s
Display/Options/Preview Type menu. The software will then use
OpenGL hardware acceleration.
If you require full-screen 2D bitmaps in LightWave Modeler, check the
2D Bitmaps” option on the Memory Options page in the Oxygen
control panel.