Oxygen control panel – 3DLABS Oxygen 402 User Manual
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Dynamic Pictures Oxygen 3D Family
Oxygen Control Panel
The Oxygen 3D control panel is Dynamic Pictures’ graphical user
interface for viewing and setting options relevant to your Oxygen card.
Many graphics applications use the full range of features offered by the
Oxygen card. However, certain software applications focus only on one
or two areas, and do not utilize other features at all. Given that your
Oxygen card has a fixed amount of memory, the Oxygen control panel
enables you to manipulate how the graphics memory is allocated for
various operations.
The control panel has four pages that enable you to manage resources
that affect the performance of your Oxygen card:
Oxygen Status,
Memory Options, Advanced Options and Support Information.
The Oxygen 3D contol panel opens on the
Oxygen Status page
(Figure 15) which displays the current settings of your installed 3D
accelerator card.
Click the
Memory Options page (Figure 16) to configure the use of your
Oxygen card’s memory and maximize performance based on your
application’s specific needs.
Click the
Advanced Options page (Figure 17) to adjust other graphics
and display options for your Oxygen card such as enabling support for
a dual display or stereo 3D.
Click the
Support Information page (Figure 18) to view contact
information for the Dynamic Pictures support team. This page also has
a test button that will help you verify that your Oxygen hardware and
software are properly installed.