Bridge configuration, Configuring device-level bridging parameters, Chapter 11 – Cabletron Systems FRX6000 User Manual
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Chapter 11
Bridge Configuration
About FRX and SmartSwitch 1800 Bridging support; configuring device-level bridging parameters;
configuring bridge ports on frame relay and LAN interfaces
The FRX and SmartSwitch 1800 devices support bridging of LAN trafÞc over
Frame Relay. This bridging support includes:
encapsulation of Ethernet and Token Ring trafÞc (per RFC 1490) for
transmission over Frame Relay
Transparent Spanning Tree (802.1d) bridging
compatibility with Source Route Bridging environments
translational bridging between Ethernet and Token Ring LANs
bridging of IP and IPX trafÞc.
Bridging is supported on Ethernet, Token Ring, and Frame Relay interfaces.
Configuring Device-Level Bridging Parameters
If the FRX4000, FRX6000, or SmartSwitch 1800 is going to support one or more
bridge ports (interfaces), certain device-level bridging parameters must be
conÞgured to deÞne bridge operation.
Using the Bridge ConÞguration window, you can conÞgure the device-level
bridging parameters. To access the window:
Click on
to display the Device menu.
Drag down to Bridge Configuration, and release. The Bridge Configuration
, will appear.