Cabletron Systems FRX6000 User Manual
Page 118

X.25 Status and Configuration
Configuring X.25 Physical Ports
Dial In/Out
This parameter only has a function if the port you are conÞguring is a dial port;
that is, if the port is connected to a dial modem. It speciÞes whether this port is
connected to a dial modem and, if so, whether connections will be initiated
through dial-in or dial-out calls. (Signaling differences prevent conÞguration for
both dial-in and dial-out on the same port.)
A port speciÞed as Dial Out will establish a link only when an outgoing X.25 call
is placed, at which time the port will raise DTR (Data Terminal Ready) and the
attached modem will dial a stored number to a remote modem to establish an
X.25 connection. A port speciÞed as Dial In will establish a link only when a call
is received.
If the port is conÞgured as a network trunk (see Network Trunk Group below),
the value must be None.
Generate Clock
This Þeld speciÞes whether the port will generate the clock necessary to
synchronize trafÞc over the link. If the port is a physical DCE (determined by the
portÕs I/O cable interface), conÞgure this Þeld as Yes, since the physical DCE
generates clock. If the port is a DTE, conÞgure this Þeld as No.
Receive Clock from DTE
This parameter is relevant only if Connector Type is something other than
RS-232, and the Generate Clock parameter is set to Yes (see above). Selecting Yes
for this Þeld allows the clock to be looped back from the DTE using the TT
(Terminal Timing) signal, which can be helpful on high-speed lines. Generally, if
the local interface is physical DCE and the line speed is above 256 Kbps, this
parameter should be set to Yes. (Make sure the remote DTE is conÞgured to
provide the terminal timing.)
Network Trunk Group
A network trunk is a link between FRX and SmartSwitch 1800 devices over X.25.
You can assign a port to a trunk group which will cause that port to be enabled
when the network trunk is operational, or disabled if the network trunk is not
Blocked Flag
This value will cause the port to be enabled (if No) or disabled (if Yes) when the
device is powered up or re-booted.Whichever state is selected, the port will
remain in that state until this value is changed or until an enable or disable action
is performed.
Although you can use this window to designate an X.25 port as a member of a trunk
group, you must conÞgure the actual network trunk through console management. Refer
to your hardware documentation for more information on network trunks.