Changing sdlc pu llc2 values, Changing sdlc pu llc2 values -14 – Cabletron Systems FRX6000 User Manual
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SNA Status and Configuration
Configuring SNA Ports
BAGs regulate bandwidth usage by outgoing trafÞc on the physical link and can
ensure that response time-sensitive trafÞc gets access to the available frame relay
bandwidth. Up to 16 groups can be conÞgured through console management
(refer to your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 hardware documentation for more
This Þeld prioritizes the interface for trafÞc within the device; the higher the
number, the higher the priority. This priority has no effect on trafÞc exiting the
device. Priorities are conÞgured on all logical interfaces that use a physical frame
relay port. The FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 processor uses these priorities to help
determine the order in which it will process protocols. The default value for this
parameter is 0.
Suppress XID
If Yes is selected, this parameter prevents the FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 from
returning an XID (Exchange IdentiÞcation) in response to a null XID. This might
be desirable if the remote TPAD is not running PU 2.1 It should be noted that even
if an XID is sent, an SNRM (Set Normal Response Mode) immediately follows, so
the connection will be established. The default value for this parameter is No.
Changing SDLC PU LLC2 Values
To edit the SDLC PU LLC2 values:
If you wish to modify an existing entry, be sure that entry is highlighted in the
list box portion of the window.
Enter and/or edit the values displayed in the text boxes, as desired.
(Remember, some values which are settable from this window must mirror
values configured elsewhere; be sure these values match as necessary.)
Click on
to create a new entry, or on
to edit the entry
currently selected in the list box.
Bandwidth allocation groups cannot currently be conÞgured via SPMA; for more
information on conÞguring these groups, see your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 hardware
When conÞguring priorities, be sure to consider the types of trafÞc being routed on other
connections in the node.