Cabletron Systems FRX6000 User Manual
Page 140

SNA Status and Configuration
Configuring SNA Ports
The SDLC Link Station ConÞguration window allows you to conÞgure the
following parameters:
This is the SDLC PU Station Address, 00 - ff, that identiÞes the PU you are
conÞguring. It must match the ADDR parameter set in the macro PU in the VTAM
Enter the name of the local SDLC link station.
Max RX PDU Size
This is the maximum PDU size that the local link station can receive from the
adjacent link station. This value is sent in the XID to the ALS and includes the
Transmission Header (TH) and the Request Header (RH).
Max TX PDU Size
This is the maximum PDU size the local link station can send to the adjacent link
station before having received any XID from the ALS. This value includes the
Transmission Header (TH) and the Request Header (RH).
Reply Timeout
This Þeld speciÞes a reply timeout (in 1/100ths of a second) for an SDLC link
station. If the link station does not receive a response to a poll or message before
the speciÞed time expires, the appropriate error recovery will be initiated. The
default value for this parameter is 100.
Max Rx UnACK I-Frames
This Þeld speciÞes the maximum number of unacknowledged I-frames an SDLC
link station may receive. The default value for this parameter is 7.
Max Tx UnACK I-Frames
This Þeld speciÞes the maximum number of consecutive I-frames an SDLC link
station may send without an acknowledgment. The default value for this
parameter is 1.
Retries in Sequence
This is the number of retries in a retry sequence for the local SDLC link station. A
retry sequence is a series of retransmitted frames (data or control) for which no
positive acknowledgment is received. The default value for this parameter is 15.
Retry Sequence Interval
This is the interval (in 1/100ths of a second) between retry sequences for the local
SDLC link station if multiple retry sequences are speciÞed. The default value for
this parameter is 0.