Cabletron Systems FRX6000 User Manual
Page 174

IP Interface Configuration
Configuring IP Interfaces
Source Address
This is the IP address of the end-to-end sender (the IP interface). The valid range
of values ( to guarantees that you cannot conÞgure all 0s or
all 1s for a network ID, node ID, or subnet ID. If the interface is conÞgured as an
Unnumbered Interface
(see below), you will not enter a source address here.
Destination Address
This parameter is only conÞgurable when the Interface Type is X.25, or when the
Interface Type
is Frame Relay and the Inverse ARP parameter is Disabled. It is
the IP address of the end-to-end receiver for point-to-point connections. The valid
range of values ( to guarantees that you cannot conÞgure
all 0s or all 1s for a network ID, node ID, or subnet ID.
Broadcast Address
If you speciÞed a LAN Interface Type, use this Þeld to designate the address used
to send broadcast messages to all LAN hosts on the network. The default value of
the broadcast address will be conÞgured automatically after a Source Address or
Network Mask
is speciÞed (see above). The value will be the dotted decimal
notation result of ÒANDingÓ the binary versions of the Source Address and the
Network Mask, then Þlling in the remaining bits with 1s.
If the Source Address or Network Mask is changed, the associated broadcast
address will automatically change to the default value appropriate for the new
address. For this reason, conÞgure the Source Address Þrst, then the Network
Mask, then the Broadcast Address.
LAN Card
If you speciÞed a LAN Interface Type, this number identiÞes the LAN card that
contains the IP interface. Enter 0 for the FRX4000 or SmartSwitch 1800; 0 or 1 for
the FRX6000.
Source Subscriber
This parameter is only conÞgurable if you have selected X.25 as your Interface
. This is the Subscriber ID associated with the source IP interface port. A
subscriber ID is an address of up to 15 digits. This address must also be
conÞgured in the Subscriber Table (see Chapter 4, ConÞguring the Subscriber
), and cannot contain wildcards. When conÞguring the Subscriber Table for
the source subscriber, do not conÞgure any routing path in the Routing Table.
Destination Subscriber
This parameter is only conÞgurable if you have selected X.25 as your Interface
. This is the Subscriber ID associated with the destination IP interface port. A
subscriber ID is an address of up to 15 digits. This address must also be
conÞgured in the Subscriber Table (see Chapter 4, ConÞguring the Subscriber
), and cannot contain wildcards. When conÞguring the Subscriber Table for
the destination subscriber, conÞgure the Þrst routing path as the RLP and X.25
port that will be used for the physical interface. (On an FRX6000, that RLP does
not need to be the same one that has IP installed.)