Cabletron Systems FRX6000 User Manual
Page 166

BSC Interactive Configuration
Configuring BSCI Devices
Figure 8-3. BSCI Device Information
The top part of the window displays a list of conÞgured BSCI devices. The bottom
part of the window allows you to modify or add the following BSCI device
Control Unit ID
This ID is a number 0 through 31 and identiÞes the control unit.
Device Unit ID
Enter a number, 0 through 31. Up to 32 Device Units can be conÞgured for each
Control Unit.
Connection ID
This number identiÞes the association between a local subscriber on a BSCI port
and a device conÞgured here in this table. It must match a Connection ID in the
BSCI Subscriber Information window (see
BSCI Subscriber ID Information
). Valid values are 0 through 255. The default value for this parameter is 0.
Single User VC (virtual circuit)
This read-only parameter speciÞes whether each end of the connection is within a
same or different Control Unit/Device Unit pair. This parameter is currently not
supported and is set to No.