Cabletron Systems FRX6000 User Manual
Page 173

Configuring IP Interfaces
IP Interface Configuration
ICMP Add Routes
Select Yes or No to specify whether IP may add routes obtained by ICMP
(Internet Control Message Protocol). ICMPÕs error and control function is used to
send redirection options back to the source, if problems are discovered. The
default value for this parameter is Yes.
RIP Delta Updates
This Þeld speciÞes (in seconds) the frequency with which RIP update messages
will be sent to every neighbor node. These messages contain any changes to the
routing table that occurred since the last RIP Full Update (see next deÞnition).
The default value for this parameter is 10.
RIP Full Updates
This Þeld speciÞes (in seconds) the frequency with which updates of the entire
routing table will be sent to every neighbor node, via one or more RIP messages.
The default value for this parameter is 30.
This Þeld prioritizes the interface for trafÞc within the device; the higher the
number, the higher the priority. This priority has no effect on trafÞc exiting the
device. Priorities are conÞgured on all logical interfaces that use a physical frame
relay port. The FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 processor uses these priorities to help
determine the order in which it will process protocols. The default value for this
parameter is 5.
This parameter is only conÞgurable if you have selected Frame Relay as your
Interface Type
. It assigns the IP interface to one of 16 Bandwidth Allocation
Groups (BAG).
BAGs regulate bandwidth usage by outgoing trafÞc on the physical link and can
ensure that response time-sensitive trafÞc gets access to the available frame relay
bandwidth. Up to 16 groups can be conÞgured through console management
(refer to your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 hardware documentation for more
When conÞguring priorities, be sure to consider the types of trafÞc being routed on other
connections in the node.
Bandwidth allocation groups cannot currently be conÞgured via SPMA; for more
information on conÞguring these groups, see your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 hardware