Cabletron Systems SmartSwitch Router 9032578-02 User Manual

Page 93

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SmartSwitch Router User Reference Manual


Chapter 6: BGP Configuration Guide


Figure 6

, router SSR11 has the following configuration:

# Create an optional attribute list with identifier color1 for a community
# attribute (community-id 160 AS 64901)
ip-router policy create optional-attributes-list color1 community-id 160

autonomous-system 64901

# Create an optional attribute list with identifier color2 for a community
# attribute (community-id 155 AS 64901)
ip-router policy create optional-attributes-list color2 community-id 155

autonomous-system 64901

# Create a BGP import source for importing routes from AS 64900 containing the
# community attribute (community-id 160 AS 64901). This import source is given an
# identifier 901color1 and sequence-number 1.
ip-router policy create bgp-import-source 901color1 optional-attributes-list

color1 autonomous-system 64900 sequence-number 1

ip-router policy create bgp-import-source 901color2 optional-attributes-list

color2 autonomous-system 64900 sequence-number 2

ip-router policy create bgp-import-source 901color3 optional-attributes-list

color1 autonomous-system 64902 sequence-number 3

ip-router policy create bgp-import-source 901color4 optional-attributes-list

color2 autonomous-system 64902 sequence-number 4

# Import all routes matching BGP import source 901color1 (from AS 64900 having
# community attribute with ID 160 AS 64901) with a preference of 160
ip-router policy import source 901color1 network all preference 160
ip-router policy import source 901color2 network all preference 155
ip-router policy import source 901color3 network all preference 160
ip-router policy import source 901color4 network all preference 155