Wilson Audio WATCH Dog Subwoofer Series-2 User Manual

Page 59

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ments in an attempt to achieve perfect flatness of response is misguided. Possibly this
is because the test signal (i.e., pink noise) causes a relatively continuous excitation of
resonances. This allows the amplitude to build up, appearing in measurements as a
large deviation from optimum. Much music on the other hand, because of its more
transient nature, may not cause these non-linearities to build up as much. Hence, the
tendency to overcorrect relative to what the musical signal really requires. Therefore, I
suggest correcting about half the amplitude of the peak or dip, documenting your
results, then listening to see if it makes more musical sense. Apply corrections only as
needed. To quote J. Gordon Holt, “If it measures good, but sounds bad… It is bad.”

Advancing the EQ Q control allows you to narrow and sharpen the EQ boost or

cut. At the maximum Q setting of 2, the equalization is pretty specific, but can also
alter harmonic structures. Turning the Q control CCW to 0.2 results in a very broad,
less frequency-selective adjustment, which usually will not provide enough specific

Section 6.2 - Break-in Period

All audio equipment will sound its best after the components have been bro-

ken-in for some period of use. Wilson Audio breaks in the woofer of your WATCH Dog
for a 12 hour period. All drivers are then tested, calibrated, and matched for their
acoustical properties. Some break-in is also required of the Control Panel and the
amplifier. Wilson Audio recommends that you begin final positioning of your WATCH
Dog subsequent to the break-in process. In your listening room, expect 25-50% of
break-in to be complete after two hours of playing music at a moderate volume.
Ninety percent of break-in is complete after 24 hours of playing. Playing a “disc
repeat” overnight can accomplish this task quickly. Wilson Audio often uses chamber
music to accomplish this process.

C o n t r o l P a n e l S e t u p - C o n t i n u e d