Wilson Audio WATCH Dog Subwoofer Series-2 User Manual
Page 34

it is best to position the WATCH Dog behind the plane of the main speakers.
Placement in front of the main loudspeakers, or behind the listener, can potentially
compromise the phase accuracy in two-channel music systems. This will result in a
less coherent presentation of the spatial, dynamic, and tonal information. Successful
integration with the main loudspeakers is more easily achieved when the WATCH Dog
is placed between and behind the two main speakers or in the left or right corners
behind the main loudspeakers. Corner placement provides the greatest low frequency
reinforcement, but care is required to avoid upper bass colorations resulting in less
coherent integration with the main speaker. Corner induced upper-bass colorations
can be reduced by lowering the Low Pass Filter frequency crossover point. Further
correction of room-induced anomalies in the in-room bass response can be minimized
with the WATCH Dog’s unique Bass Equalization Control. See Section 6 for detailed
information on critical setup of the WATCH Dog Control Panel.
The WATCH Dog can be used simultaneously as both the LFE channel sub-
woofer in the surround mode and as the subwoofer to the main speakers when listen-
ing to music. This is achieved by switching between the “Line” and “Processor” inputs
on the Control Panel. Low and High Pass filter settings are also switchable, allowing
the WATCH Dog to be optimized for both music and home theater - even within the
same system. See Section 6 for detailed information on the switching facility of the
WATCH Dog Control Panel.
Section 4.3 - Initial Setup Summary
When used in a home theater system as the LFE channel, the WATCH Dog can
be positioned in a variety of areas within the room successfully. Room boundaries and
corners enhance low frequency coupling with the room, but care is required in attend-
ing to resulting upper bass colorations.
When used in a music system, the subwoofer integrates more consistently with
the main speakers when placed behind the plane of the speakers or in a corner of the
room behind the main speakers. Careful setup using the Phase control and the Low
and High Pass filters is necessary to optimize low bass performance and to ensure