Wilson Audio WATCH Dog Subwoofer Series-2 User Manual
Page 33

The ideal position of the WATCH Dog subwoofer is somewhat dependent on its
primary use. In home theaters where the WATCH Dog is used as the Low Frequency
Effects (LFE) Channel, it may be located in a variety of positons, depending on archi-
tectural considerations. In general, the lower frequency range will be reinforced by
room boundaries and corners. Since most of the information contained in the LFE
channel is in the sub-frequency bass range, with little information in the mid and upper
bass, there are some advantages to placing the WATCH Dog near the room bound-
aries or near a corner. Some care is needed to avoid introducing upper-bass col-
orations caused by corner placement. While surround processors provide the low fre-
quency equalized signal for the LFE Channel, it has been our experience that in some
systems it is desirable to use the Low Pass crossover on the WATCH Dog Control
Panel to additionally limit upper bass range. This is particularly important and useful
when the WATCH Dog is placed in the corner. Since all Wilson Audio Speakers are
phase and time coherent, it is very important to time align the WATCH Dog in the
room using the Phase Control on the Control Panel. This procedure will be described
in Section 6.0.
Section 4.2 - Watch Dog Setup in a Music System
The WATCH Dog subwoofer was designed in conjunction with all Wilson Audio
loudpseakers. All Wilson Audio loudspeakers are designed to be audibly phase and
time coherent. The WATCH Dog subwoofer was engineered to extend and enhance
the low frequency performance of music systems without compromising the phase
and time accuracy of Wilson loudspeakers. The powerfully versatile Phase control on
the Control Panel allows the WATCH Dog to be optimized in the time domain within
the listening environment. Correct Phase setup of the WATCH Dog allows proper inte-
gration in the time domain between the WATCH Dog and the main loudspeakers,
resulting in greater frequency linearity, dynamic impact, sound-stage accuracy, and
speed. See Section 6 for detailed instruction on the setup of the Control Panel.
In music systems, to achieve the most coherent spacial and tonal presentation,
C h o o s i n g a L i s t e n i n g P o s i t i o n - c o n t i n u e d