Wilson Audio WATCH Dog Subwoofer Series-2 User Manual
Page 51

Initial placement of the L & R speakers
If both the WATCH Dog and the main speakers are new to the system, we rec-
ommend that the main speaker positions be carefully optimized for overall sound qual-
ity before introducing the subwoofer. To prevent equipment damage and facilitate
movement, keep the WATCH Dog out of the listening area during the two-channel
setup phase.
The WATCH Dog CD contains a variety of test tones to aid you with the set up
of your subwoofer.
1. If your playback electronics have signal level metering facilities, use track 1
(1 kHz tone) to assure equal signal levels to both left and right loudspeakers.
If it is physically and electrically in the system at this point, the subwoofer’s
output level control should be turned all the way down.
2. Assure that the left and right loudspeakers are in phase by using track 4,
(BLN - bandwidth limited noise ). The noise should appear to come from
exactly between your left and right loudspeakers.
C o n t r o l P a n e l S e t u p - C o n t i n u e d
Figure 8