Wilson Audio WATCH Dog Subwoofer Series-2 User Manual
Page 13

technology first developed for the X-1 Grand SLAMM, WATCH Surround provides
stunning results.
The Surround is mounted to its bracket by strategically located spikes, further
reducing wall interaction and resonance. The Surround can also be rotated towards
the listening position, offering improved integration with the front speakers and better
Finally, a subwoofer designed and manufactured with the same commitment to
excellence that has characterized all products from Wilson Audio. The WATCH Dog
combines Olympian structural, design, and finish considerations with superior sonic
quality. It is this approach that distinguishes Wilson Audio products. As a part of a
truly high-end multi-channel system, or in a music system, the WATCH products offer
unparalleled performance, quality of build, and longevity. Wilson Audio delivers a prod-
uct that maintains the strictest structural tolerances, durability, and reliability. You will
have consistent, repeatable performance, unaffected by the climatic conditions, any-
where in the world. The WATCH Dog, as well as the other WATCH products, will pro-
vide an experience with film or music only obtainable through Wilson products.
W a t c h D o g I n t r o d u c t i o n - c o n t i n u e d