Assembly instructions, Locating stove – Vogelzang VG450ELGB User Manual

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VG450EL FrontiErsman™

VGZ-014 / 20120424.0



safety Glasses & Gloves
6 foot Folding rule or Tape Measure
Tin snips
Drill: hand or electric
1/8” dia. Drill Bit (sheet metal screws)
screwdrivers (blade and Phillips type)
14mm nut Driver or ratchet with 14mm socket

CauTIOn: sTOVe Is heaVY. Make sure YOu
haVe aDequaTe helP anD use PrOPer
lIFTInG TeChnIques wheneVer MOVInG

1. Uncrate the stove and remove cardboard

packing, styfofoam and protective poly bag.

Remove rear deflector (#21) from the carton.

(Save cardboard for further assembly.)

2. Remove parts from inside stove. Parts in-

clude: one damper collar (#1), four legs (#16),

hardware pack (#22) and air deflectors (#33)

located inside firebox.

3. Place flattened carton behind stove and care-

fully turn stove over onto its back on carton.

4. Remove the four 14mm nuts holding the

bottom floor shield in place.

5. Without removing the floorshield, place each

leg in position and secure using the four (4)

TOOls anD MaTerIals requIreD FOr InsTallaTIOn


(NOTE: The following items are NOT included with your stove)

Flooring Protection: 40” x 48” as specified (see page 4)

Chimney Connection: 6” dia. minimum 24 MsG black or 26 MsG

blue steel straig ht stove pipe or elbow(s) as required.

1/2” sheet Metal screws
Chimney: existing 6” lined masonry chimney or 6” inside dia.

manufactured chimney system listed to ul 103 hT.

Furnace Cement (manufacturer recommends rutland Code 78

or equivalent)

Continued on next page

14mm nuts removed in step 4. Tighten nuts


6. Carefully lift stove to upright position.

warnInG: MeTal Panel FasTeneD Be-
Tween leGs aCTs as a heaT DeFleCTOr.
ThIs Panel MusT Be In PlaCe FOr saFe

7. Attach rear deflector to the rear side corners of

the stove using four screws.

8. On VG450ELGB models (only), attach

blower assembly to rear of heat deflector.

NOTE: Make sure ceramic gasket is positioned

between rear deflector and blower assembly.

Attach two (2) air deflectors (#33) to the top

of the rear heat deflector. When installed, the

angled lip should face towards the front of the


9. Attach damper collar to rear top surface of stove

using machine screws.


1. The stove must be placed on solid concrete,

solid masonry, or when installed on a com-

bustible floor, on a listed UL1618 type 2 floor

protector, such as Hy-C or Imperial Model

UL 4048BK or equivalent with 0.8 R-factor.

(NOTE: to calculate R-value of alternative

materials see page 16). The base must extend

at least 16” beyond the side with the access

door, 8” to the sides of fuel opening, 8” behind

the stove, and must extend under the stove

pipe and 2” beyond each side if it is elbowed

towards a wall. (See figures 1 & 3 and consult

local building codes and fire protection ordi-


CauTIOn: (FIre hazarD) CarPeTInG anD
OTher COMBusTIBle MaTerIal MusT nOT
COVer The FlOOr PrOTeCTOr. These
MaTerIals MusT reMaIn OuTsIDe OF
COMBusTIBle ClearanCes, see FIG. 1– 3.

2. The stove must have its own flue.


COnneCT ThIs unIT TO a ChIMneY

Flue serVInG OTher aPPlIanCes.

3. After observing the clearances to combus-

tible materials (figures 1–3), locate your floor

protector accordingly (figure 1) and care-

fully place the stove in your selected location.

Install connector pipe, elbows, and thimble as

NOTICE: Vogelzang International Corp. grants no warranty, stated or implied, for the installation or maintenance of
your wood stove and assumes no responsibility of any incidental or consequential damages.

This manual is related to the following products: