Vogelzang VG450ELGB User Manual

Frontiersman, Woodstove, Owners manual

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VGZ-014 / 20120424.0

Vogelzang International Corp.

VG450EL FrontiErsman™ /

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Owners Manual

Covers Models VG450el, VG450elG & VG450elGB

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Vogelzang International Corporation
400 West 17th Street
Holland, Michigan 49423
Phone: 1-616-396-1911
Fax: 1-616-396-1971

This stove meets

u.s. Test standard:

ul 1482-1996

reaD all InsTruCTIOns CareFullY

BeFOre InsTallInG Or OPeraTInG

ThIs sTOVe. FaIlure TO FOllOw InsTruC-

TIOns MaY resulT In PrOPerTY DaMaGe,

BODIlY InjurY, Or eVen DeaTh.

nOTe: IT Is reCOMMenDeD InsTallaTIOn

Be COMPleTeD BY a qualIFIeD heaTInG

equIPMenT InsTaller!


not InsTall In a MOBIle hOMe.

reFer TO MarkInGs On sTOVe laBels FOr


saFeTY nOTICe: IF ThIs sTOVe Is nOT PrOPerlY InsTalleD, a hOuse/BuIlDInG FIre MaY
resulT. FOr YOur saFeTY, COnTaCT lOCal Or MunICIPal BuIlDInG Or FIre OFFICIals
aBOuT PerMITs, resTrICTIOns, anD InsTallaTIOn requIreMenTs FOr YOur area.

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