Safety instructions – Vogelzang VG450ELGB User Manual
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VG450EL FrontiErsman™
VGZ-014 / 20120424.0
1. the installation of this stove must comply with your
local building code rulings. Please observe the
clearances to combustibles (see reference figures
1– 3). Do not place furniture or other objects within
the clearance area.
2. Verify that the stove is properly assembled and
installed before firing the stove for the first time.
after reading these instructions, if you have any
doubt about your ability to complete your installation
properly, you must obtain the services of a
professional licensed installer familiar with all
aspects of safe and correct installation.
use TeMPOrarY Or MakeshIFT COMPrO-
MIses during installation. there must be nO
DeVIaTIOn Or alTeraTIOn OF anY kInD from
the very specific instructions spelled out in this in-
struction manual as it pertains to the installation of
this woodstove.
nO eXCePTIOns!
DO nOT store wood, flammable liquids or other
combustible materials too close to the unit. refer
to certification label on back of unit and reference
figures 7 – 9 in this manual.
DO nOT InsTall ThIs sTOVe In a MOBIle
hOMe, ManuFaCTureD hOMe, TraIler Or
TenT – nO eXCePTIOns! (HUD Federal stan-
dard: 24 CFr Ch.XX).
DO nOT eleVaTe ThIs sTOVe BY anY Means.
(i.e. bricks under legs, cement blocks) stove legs
must set directly upon the solid-surface non-combus-
tible floor as specified in this stove instruction man-
DO nOT MODIFY ThIs sTOVe In anY waY!
stove must be installed with legs provided, attached
as shown in the instructions. assemble only with
original parts as supplied and shown in this manual.
DO nOT OPeraTe a sTOVe ThaT Is MIssInG
anY ParTs! if any parts are missing or defective,
please notify the dealer or manufacturer immediately.
replace missing, broken or worn parts with factory
original or equivalent parts only.
CauTIOn: DO nOT alTer COMBusTIOn aIr
COnTrOl ranGe TO InCrease FIrInG Or
FOr anY reasOn. altering or tampering with air
control beyond normal capacity will create unsafe
and hazardous conditions.
7. always connect this stove to a chimney and vent to
the outside. never vent to another room or inside
a building.
DO nOT COnneCT ThIs unIT TO a
ChIMneY Flue serVInG anOTher aPPlI-
DO nOT COnneCT a wOOD BurnInG sTOVe
TO an aluMInuM TYPe B Gas VenT. this is
not safe. Use code-approved lined masonry or a UL
103 Ht Listed residential type and Building Heat-
ing appliance chimney. Use a 6” diameter chimney
or larger, that is high enough to give a good draft.
(see specifics in installation instructions).
9. Be sure that your chimney is safely constructed and
in good repair. Have the chimney inspected by the fire
department or a qualified inspector. Your insurance
company should be able to recommend a qualified
inspector. Chimney connector pipe must be in good
condition. replace if necessary before using stove.
10. Creosote or soot may build up in the chimney con-
nector and chimney and cause a house/building
fire. inspect the chimney connector and chimney
twice monthly during the heating season and clean
if necessary. (see service Hints, page 14)
In The eVenT OF a ChIMneY FIre, turn the
damper control to closed position, leave the building
Call The FIre DeParTMenT IMMeDIaTe-
lY! Have a clearly understood plan on how to handle
a chimney fire by contacting your local fire authority
for information on proper procedures in the event of
a chimney fire. after the fire is out, the chimney must
be cleaned and inspected for any stress or cracks
before starting another fire. Check the condition of
any combustibles surrounding the chimney.
12. to prevent injury, do not allow anyone to use this
stove who is unfamiliar with the correct operation
of the stove.
13. Do not allow ashes to accumulate above top of ash
DIsPOsal OF ashes ashes should be placed
in a steel container with a tight fitting lid and moved
outdoors immediately. the closed container of
ashes should be placed on a noncombustible floor
or on the ground, well away from all combustible
materials, pending final disposal. if the ashes are
disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally
dispersed, they should be retained in the closed
container until all cinders have completely cooled.
other waste shall not be placed in this container.
15. the special paints used on your stove may
give off some smoke and an odor while
they are curing during the first 12 to 15 fires. addi-
tional smoke and odor may be emitted from the light
oils used in construction of the fire box. this should
disappear after a short period of time and not occur
again. Persons with lung conditions or owners of sus-
ceptible domestic pets (such as birds) should take
prudent precautions. open windows and
doors as needed to clear smoke and/or odor.
Paint discoloration will occur if the stove is
over fired.
16. this stove has a painted surface which is durable
but it will not stand rough handling or abuse. When
installing your stove, use care in handling.
DO nOT eleVaTe The FIre. Build fire directly on
the bottom of the firebox. this stove has not been
tested with the use of grates, andirons or other means
of elevating the fire and must not be used.